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Dieste Journal is a collection of student work from the 2020 Eladio Dieste Building Shop in the Department of Architecture (DoArch) at South Dakota State University. Dieste Building Shop is a history seminar and hands-on construction technology class about the labor conditions of Dieste’s structural innovations in Cerámica Armada.


In Spring 2020, three teams of five students set out to build three, large-scale (1:20), physical models of the Encofrados (formwork) used to construct the Gaussian Vaults of three structures designed by Dieste: a Church, Silo, and Warehouse. The physical models are based on the virtual models (link) constructed by students in 2019 and images from the Dieste and Montañez Archive. In response to COVID-19 pandemic, students made their Dieste Journals the primary site of their work for the reminder of the semester.

01. Church: Iglesia del Cristo Obrero. Atlántida, Uruguay. 1958-60

02. Silo: CADYL Horizontal Silo. Young, Uruguay. 1976-78

03. Warehouse: Depósito Julio Herrera y Obes. 1977-79

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Department of Architecture, DoArch

South Dakota State University

Eladio Dieste Building Shop 2020 (link)

Labor Atlas (link)


Federico Garcia Lammers

Student Teams


Andrew Kocer

Brayden Nielsen

Jocelyn Rothmeier

David Stewart

Brett Szymanski


Brakken Bierl 

Samuel Borr

Stephen Kalenberg

Shyanne Kopfmann

Mahmoud Sadek


Kate Anderson

Zachary Freeman

Karianna Larson  

Mitch Schlingman

Sydney VanWell


All archive images are from the Dieste and Montañez Archive 


*Dieste, Eladio. Architecture and Construction

Dieste Eladio. Awareness of Form

Dieste, Eladio. Art, People, and Technocracy

Garcia Lammers, Federico. Diachronic and Synchronic Labor

Garcia Lammers, Federico. Building the Resistance

Garcia Lammers, Federico. A Network of Precise Errors

Rodriguez, Florencia. Catching the Curve

*All quotes included in this website are from "Architecture and Construction"

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